Catholic Marriage Preparation

Couples intending to get married must inform at least six months before the intended wedding.  

The person intending to marry must make an appointment to meet the Parish Priest.   

The couple is to attend a CMPW by registering at the parish office and the form must be signed by the parish priest.

The closing date for registration is 9 March 2025


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) | 成人慕道班

English: Sundays at 4.00pm

Mandarin: Mondays at 8.00pm

Venue: St Paul's Room

Who is RCIA for?
a) Non-Catholics who want to find out more about the Catholic Faith
b) Those who want to join the Catholic Church through Baptism, or Profession of Faith
c) Those who were baptised Catholic as infants but never received religious education, Confirmation, or First Eucharist.

If you know of any friends, family or relatives who are interested please guide them to the class.  


英语: 每周日,下午 4:00 在圣保禄室上课   

华语: 每周一,晚上 8:00 在圣保禄室上课

a) 希望更进一步了解天主教信仰的非天主教徒 
b) 希望透过洗礼或信仰宣认加入天主教会者 
c) 曾在婴儿时期接受过天主教洗礼,但从未上过教理课、尚未领受坚振圣事或初领圣体者。



outstanding works

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ


As promised we have returned to the Cathedral proper. As you would have noticed, the renovation is far from complete. Works are still being carried out. These are some of the outstanding works yet to be completed.

I give thanks to my God always for you

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings in the Lord.

Our Family Day has just concluded. A big shout out to the amazing team of Basil and Benjamin, Elaine and Janet, Arlene and Helen, Jaden and Melanie who put together this wonderful event of food, fun and frolic for our Cathedral. Thank you to all stall owners for your dedicated service and all who participated, thank you for your support.

SHC Parish Office | 圣堂办公室

Call or WhatsApp +607-332 6831  +607-331 5511

Office Hours | 办公时间表

Mon : 9.00am to 12.00noon
Tue - Sat : 9.00am to 5.00pm (Lunch Break: 12noon to 2pm for an hour)
Sun: 9.00am to 1.00pm
Closed on Public Holidays

周二至周六:上午9点至下午5点(中午12点至下午2点--午餐时间 1个小时)

Funeral Coordinator | 丧事联络人

Patrick Tan
+6012-786 7280

Lazarus Room Opening Hours during Funeral Wakes
9:00am to 9:00pm