Good news for pilgrims of the North Johore Pilgrimage | 好消息!柔佛北部朝圣之旅的朝圣者

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Good news for pilgrims of the North Johore Pilgrimage. Please collect your brand new coloured booklet complete with the stamps of every Parish that we visited between 10th and 12th April. 

Upcoming Events | 即将进行的活动

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

As over-crowding and safety are major concerns for us, we have added capacity by upgrading the existing 12:30pm Filipino Mass on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday to every Sunday 12:30pm as an English Mass. Our Filipino brothers and sisters will continue to animate at this Mass each Sunday. 

The Cathedral, my spiritual home, my family. | 圣心主教座堂:我们属灵的归宿,我们的家。

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Peace of Christ!

The renovation is gathering pace. The entire roof will be changed from the Cathedral proper to the Annex which houses St James’ Hall. Even St Mary’s Square needs a new canopy. We will instal a big fan that will help to circulate air for better comfort of those spending time with Our Lady.

Centre of Worship | 祈祷圣所

Brothers and sisters in Christ,


St James’ Hall will be our centre of worship for the coming months. We want to provide a space that is conducive to worship. For example, the back drop of the altar. Sometimes, a concept and its reality do not coincide. As you can see, the backdrop was meant to suggest a Cross on the mountain with a background shrouded in mist that looks into infinity. However, the reality is different.

SHC Parish Office | 圣堂办公室

+607-332 6831  +607-331 5511

Office Hours | 办公时间表

Mon - Fri : 9.00am to 5.00pm (Lunch Break: 1.00-2.00pm)
Sat: 9.00am to 1.00pm  |  Sun: 9.00am to 12.00noon
Closed on Public Holidays

星期一至五:上午九时至下午五时   (午餐:下午一至二时休息 )
星期六:上午九时至下午一时  | 星期日:上午九时至中午十二时

Funeral Coordinator | 丧事联络人

Patrick Tan
+6012-786 7280

Lazarus Room Opening Hours during Funeral Wakes
9:00am to 9:00pm