Parish Pastoral Assembly (PPA) | 堂区牧民大会(PPA)

will be held on Sunday 17th Nov at 12.15pm at St. James Hall. Registration will commence at 12.00noon. The 12.30pm Mass is cancelled to accommodate this gathering. All are encouraged to attend the PPA.

堂区牧民大会将于 11 月 17 日中午 12:00 在圣雅各伯礼堂举行。11:30 开始报到。


Annual Clergy Discernment | 神职人员年度神操日

The clergy will be away for their ACD in Majodi on 19th till 21st of November.
The Mass timing during those days
19th November - 7.00am
20th November - No Mass
21st November - 7.00pm.

11 月 19 日 – 早上 7:00
11 月 20 日 – 早上没有弥撒
11 月 21 日 – 晚上 7:00。


Consecration of Altar  | 祝圣座堂祭台

We shall be returning to the Cathedral on 23rd November for the 5.00pm Mass. Bishop Bernard Paul will be celebrating the bilingual Mass and shall consecrate the Altar.

Kindly note the 7.00pm Mass is cancelled.

All are invited for a fellowship after Mass.

教区大家长--伯纳德主教将于 11 月 23 日下午 5 时前来主持弥撒,并祝圣祭台。弥撒将以双语进行。

请注意,当天晚上 7 时的华文弥撒取消。



Creation Justice Ministry Recycling Weekend

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Due to concern for public safety, the announced Creation Justice Ministry Recycling Weekend of 9th and 10th November has to be postponed until further notice. The re-roofing of St Mary’s Square and the laying of the interlocking bricks at the entrance have severely restricted the movement of vehicular traffic in and out of the Cathedral. We want to avoid untoward incidents.

God bless,



SHC Parish Office | 圣堂办公室

+607-332 6831  +607-331 5511

Office Hours | 办公时间表

Mon - Fri : 9.00am to 5.00pm (Lunch Break: 1.00-2.00pm)
Sat: 9.00am to 1.00pm  |  Sun: 9.00am to 12.00noon
Closed on Public Holidays

星期一至五:上午九时至下午五时   (午餐:下午一至二时休息 )
星期六:上午九时至下午一时  | 星期日:上午九时至中午十二时

Funeral Coordinator | 丧事联络人

Patrick Tan
+6012-786 7280

Lazarus Room Opening Hours during Funeral Wakes
9:00am to 9:00pm